Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg

  • I'm trying to build my electron app with electron-builder, the running command is 'yarn run build'. The process.env.NODEENV value is always 'development' even in production. I tried to set in package.json, under scripts the prefix NODEENV=production before the build command, the actual value is still 'development' instead of 'production'.
  • The app size for this is 166 MB and the dmg is about 56 MB. Best hacker app for mac for hacking wifi. Any macOS Target. The top-level mac key contains set of options instructing electron-builder on how it should build macOS targets. These options applicable for any macOS target.

Electron Travis CI Mac automated build `.travis.yml` file -.travis.yml #mac only.

For other commands please see help using --help arg, e.g. ./node_modules/.bin/electron-builder install-app-deps --help


Since Node.js 8 npx is bundled, so, you can simply use npx electron-builder.

Prepend npx to sample commands below if you run it from Terminal and not from package.json scripts.


build for macOS, Windows and Linux

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg Software

electron-builder -mwl

build deb and tar.xz for Linux

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg

electron-builder --linux deb tar.xz

build NSIS 32-bit installer for Windows

electron-builder --windows nsis:ia32

set package.json property foo to bar

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg File

electron-builder -c.extraMetadata.foo=bar

configure unicode options for NSIS

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg

electron-builder -c.nsis.unicode=false

Electron-builder mac target zip dmg file size


Without target configuration, electron-builder builds Electron app for current platform and current architecture using default target.

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg File

  • macOS - DMG and ZIP for Squirrel.Mac.
  • Windows - NSIS.
  • Linux:
    • if you build on Windows or macOS: Snap and AppImage for x64.
    • if you build on Linux: Snap and AppImage for current architecture.

Platforms and archs can be configured or using CLI args, or in the configuration.

For example, if you don’t want to pass --ia32 and --x64 flags each time, but instead build by default NSIS target for all archs for Windows:



```json tab=”package.json”“build”: { “win”: { “target”: [ { “target”: “nsis”, “arch”: [ “x64”, “ia32” ] } ] }}

and use



Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg Download

  • target String - The target name. e.g. snap.
  • arch “x64” | “ia32” | “armv7l” | “arm64”> | “x64” | “ia32” | “armv7l” | “arm64” - The arch or list of archs.