- Native Minecraft Version:
- 1.16
Download Minecraft Hacked Client for free. Minecraft Hacked Client. It's a Hacked client for the popular PC game called Minecraft. With this hack you can add unlimited items to your game and do other fun things. Wolfram is a hacked client for Minecraft that allows you to do all kinds of cheats and hacks that the game normally wouldn't allow, such as flying in Survival Mode, finding ores with X-Ray vision and automatically attacking enemies. Wolfram is a hacked client for Minecraft that allows you to do all kinds of cheats and hacks that the game normally wouldn't allow, such as flying in Survival Mode, finding ores with X-Ray vision and automatically attacking enemies. Visit this blog to get uptadet and working minecraft cheats for singleplayer and multiplayer. New featuresMinecraft Super Speed M.
- 1.16
- Source Code:
- https://github.com/chocolf/SafeFly
When a player types /safefly they are put into a special flying mode where their ability to do certain things is disabled. Everything you can disable is optional meaning you can pick and choose what you want to disable in the config. You can also disable the plugin in specific worlds.
Everything you can disable when a player is in SafeFly mode:
- PvP
- PvE
- Mob Targeting
- Potions
- Block Breaking
- Block Placing
- Hunger loss
- Health loss
- Specific Items that you can list in the config
- Specific Interactables that you can list in the config
- Changes world
- Teleports
- Enters PvP combat
- Enters PvE combat
- Breaks a block
- Places a block
- Uses a disabled item
- Interacts with a disabled block
<> = Required
[] = Optional
- /SafeFly [Player] [On/Off] - Toggles SafeFly mode for the player.
- /SafeFlyTimer <Time in Seconds> [Player] - Toggles SafeFly mode for the player for a certain amount of time.
- /SafeFlySpeed <Speed> [Player] - Changes the players fly speed.
- /SafeFlyReload - reloads the SafeFly Config
- /sfly
- /sflytimer
- /sflyspeed
- /sflyreload
- SafeFly.use - Permission to use /SafeFly
- SafeFly.use.others - Permission to use /SafeFly [Player]
- SafeFly.timer - Permission to use /SafeFlyTimer [Time]
- SafeFly.timer.others - Permission to use /SafeFlyTimer [Time] [Player]
- SafeFly.speed - Permission to use /SafeFlySpeed [Speed]
- SafeFly.speed.others - Permission to use /SafeFlySpeed [Speed] [Player]
- SafeFly.reload - Permission to use /SfReload
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# Whether flight is enabled when someone is in SafeFly mode (Can also be used as a pacifist mode)
Flight: true
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode can be affected by Potion effects
DisablePotionEffects: true
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode can attack other players or get attacked by other players
DisablePvP: true
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode can attack Mobs
DisablePvE: true
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode can be targeted by Mobs
DisableMobTargeting: true
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode can break blocks
DisableBlockBreaking: false
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode can place blocks
DisableBlockPlacing: false
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode should lose hunger
LoseHunger: false
# Whether the player in SafeFly mode should lose health
LoseHealth: false
# Items players won't be able to use when in SafeFly Mode
# Blocks that the player cannot interact with when in SafeFly Mode
# Worlds where players cannot enter SafeFly mode.
- world1
- world2
# Whether SafeFly mode is disabled when a player changes worlds
DisableOnWorldChange: true
# Whether SafeFly mode is disabled when a player teleports
DisableOnTeleport: true
# Whether SafeFly mode is disabled when a player enters PvP combat. DisablePvP option above must be set to false for this to work
DisableOnPvP: false
# Whether SafeFly mode is disabled when a player enters PvE combat. DisablePvE option above must be set to false for this to work
DisableOnPvE: false
# Whether Safefly mode is disabled when a player breaks a block. DisableBlockBreaking option above must be set to false for this to work
DisableOnBreakBlock: false
# Whether Safefly mode is disabled when a player places a block. DisableBlockPlacing option above must be set to false for this to work
DisableOnPlaceBlock: false
# Whether Safefly mode is disabled when a player uses an item in the above DisabledItems list
DisableOnUseDisabledItem: false
# Whether Safefly mode is disabled when a player interacts with a block in the above DisabledInteractables list
DisableOnInteractWithDisabledInteractable: false
############################ Messages ############################
# 1.16+ can use RGB colours to colour the message for example #42f54e instead of &a.
# Sent to a player when they enable SafeFly
SafeFlyEnabledMessage: '&aYou are now in SafeFly mode.'
# Sent to a player when they disable SafeFly
SafeFlyDisabledMessage: '&cYou are no longer in SafeFly mode.'
# Sent to a player when they are in SafeFly mode and try to attack another player
CantDamagePlayerMessage: '&cYou cannot damage Players whilst in SafeFly Mode.'
# Sent to a player when they are not in SafeFly mode but attack someone that is in SafeFly mode.
CantDamagePlayerMessage2: '&cYou cannot damage Players that are in SafeFly Mode.'
# Sent to a a player when they are in SafeFly mode and try to attack an entity
CantDamageEntityMessage: '&cYou cannot damage Entities whilst in SafeFly Mode.'
# Sent to a player when they are in SafeFly mode and try to break a block
CantBreakBlockMessage: '&cYou cannot break blocks whilst in SafeFly Mode.'
# Sent to a player when they are in SafeFly mode and try to place a block
CantPlaceBlockMessage: '&cYou cannot place blocks whilst in SafeFly Mode.'
# Sent to a player when they try to use an item that is in the DisabledItems list whilst in SafeFly mode.
CantUseItemMessage: '&cYou cannot use this item whilst in SafeFly Mode.'
# Sent to a player when they try to interact with a block that is in the DisabledInteractables List whilst in SafeFly mode.
CantInteractWithBlockMessage: '&cYou cannot interact with this block whilst in SafeFly Mode.'
# Sent to a player when they try to use /safefly [Player] but the player isnt found
PlayerNotFoundMessage: '&cPlayer not found.'
# Sent to a player when they don't have permission to use /safefly /safeflyspeed and /safeflytimer
NoPermissionMessage: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command!'
# Sent to a player when they dont have permission to use /safefly [Player] /safeflyspeed [Speed] [Player] and /safeflytimer [Time In Seconds] [Player]
NoPermissionMessage2: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command on other players!'
# Sent to a player when the change their fly speed
ChangeFlyingSpeedMessage: '&aYour fly speed was set to {speed}'
# Sent to a player when they type a number bigger than 10 in /safeflyspeed [speed]
SpeedTooHighMessage: '&cPlease enter a number between 1 and 10 to set your fly speed'
# Sent to a player when the only have 10 seconds in SafeFly mode left.
TenSecondWarningMessage: '&cWarning! You only have 10 seconds of SafeFly left.'
# Sent to a player when they are in a world that they cannot use SafeFly in
WorldIsDisabledMessage: '&cYou cannot enable SafeFly mode whilst in this world.'