- Yume Nikki Red Maze Map
- Yume Nikki Worlds
- See Full List On Yumenikki.fandom.com
- Hell | Yume Nikki Wiki | Fandom
- Block World Yume Nikki Map
- Yume Nikki Minecraft Map
A small article on the mechanics present within Yume Nikki.
This is an alphabetical list of maps for many of the larger worlds in Yume 2kki. Some areas in the dream world can be very large, and sometimes it can be useful to have something to help you find your way around. Check out the Yume 2kki Explorer for an interactive world map representing all connections between maps. Add a photo to this gallery This is a list of world maps for locations that. A project aiming to recreate the environments and gathering of effects in Yume Nikki. This project is currently in progress, and I plan to provide a download link when the project reaches either 100% completion or once i complete all worlds connected directly to the nexus. Jan 10, 2018 Yume Nikki (ゆめにっき) (pronounced /juːme nikki/) is a 32-Bit freeware game created by Kikiyama, a Japanese solo game designer. The game otherwise has no plot, and nearly the entire game is left up to speculation. There are many fan theories on what the game and its events mean. A small article on the mechanics present within Yume Nikki. The Real World The real world is comprised of (mostly) your room. Within, you may write in your diary to save your game, play your game console (with the highly rated video game NASU included on it). For the purpose of recognition, I will refer to most NPCs by their fan-given names on the Yume Nikki wikia yumenikki.wikia.com.There is a total of 44 pages 50 pages in the Dream Diary. If you have less than that number, you're likely missing more Concept Art. A few of the pages will contain sketches.
The Real World
The real world is comprised of (mostly) your room. Within, you may write in your diary to save your game, play your game console (with the highly rated video game NASU included on it).
Home Sweet Home
Primarily, this segment of the game is like your 'main menu' of other games, allowing you to save your progress.
You can also go out onto your lovely high-story balcony to get a breath of fresh air. I highly recommend that you come back here to save your game often, and take a fresh breath of air once and a while.
It looks like a thunderstorm's a brewing. No need to go outside.
The Dream World & The Nexus
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
The Dream World encompasses the largest part of the game. By sleeping in your bed in the Real World, you will be transported to the Dream World, where you can enter the Nexus through your front door.
'What happens when I open all the doors?'
The Nexus serves as a kind of hub world, as well as a way to track your progress on the collection of effects. By entering any of the doors in any direction, you will be transported to another place within the Dream World. I highly encourage you to explore to your hearts content, and interact with as many things on your travels that you can find.
Yume Nikki Red Maze Map
Effects are items that you gain throughout your travels within the Dream World by interacting with certain things. Note that they may only be used in the Dream World as well. These Effects are, well, effects! These alter and change your player character's actions and apperance when used. I highly recommend interacting with what you find in the dream world with these effects. The results may be interesting!There is a finite amount of effects, so I highly encourage you to collect them all.
The Status Screen & The Effect Screen
It's important to know where you are and where you're going.
By pressing the 'Esc' key, you are able to bring up the status screen. Here, it shows you how many Effects you have, denoted by the giant 'E'. Anything else on this screen is inconsequential, as it is there due to engine limitations. (Okay, Okay, so there is 'Money' in the game that can buy you drinks to increase your health, but health is useless anyways so theres no point in doing such a thing).
Effects or Defects?
Yume Nikki Worlds
By selecting the 'Effects' button and pressing the 'Enter' key, you may look at all the effects that you have accumulated. You can also activate them by selecting them with the arrow keys and pressing the 'Enter' key. Since this is the beginning of the game, the only Effect that you will have is Game Info. By selecting this one, you can re-read the start-of-game tutorial.
Gameplay Tips and Tricks
- Pressing the '1', '2', or '3' keys may cause some interesting things to happen, especially with equipped Effects. Try it sometime!
- Pressing the '5' key will cause you to drop your equipped Effect. Just make sure not to lose it!
- If you press the '9' key, your player character with pinch her cheek. This is useful for waking up from the Dream World, especially if you get lost. This is also good for for a sore cheek.
- If something looks suspicious, interact with it! Remember, exploration is key to the game.
- Feel free to make friends. Play pranks on them!
- Sometimes, odd things can happen if you repeat certain things over and over. Try it out!
- You might find yourself in a dead end sometimes. If that happens, just pinch your cheek! You'll wake up instantly.
- Don't be afraid to just do something. Jump right into it.
Recommended for You:
- All Yume Nikki Guides!
You May Also Like:
- An introductory guide on how to make a fangame.
- Guides on making horror games, for all of you who want a spooky fangame.
- Our Fangame Planning sheet, for those of you who want a template to plan on.
- A Yume Nikki World Generator, if you don’t have any ideas for a new world and need a few more.
- draw.io, an online flowchart maker. Very helpful for making maps!
- OneNote, a free notetaking program by Microsoft you can use online, on your desktop, and on your phone.
An RPG Maker 2003 masterpost for all of those using 2003. Contains a lot of tutorials & resources that can be used for 2000 as well.
- A sweet list of tips, tricks, and resources for VX Ace users.
- Understanding Switches, and making effects with them.
- Nyrator’s Very In-Depth Effects Tutorial. Covers everything you’ve ever wanted to know and more.
- How to slow down your game’s protagonist at the start of the game, and the pro’s & con’s of going slow.
- Making a basic Sleep/Wake Event. More on making a sleep/wake event.
- How to make a knife effect, and a note on the knife effect.
- Things to keep in mind while making chase scenes.
- General tips on mapping for fangames.
- Making your map more animated.
- Making Endless Looping Paths, Roads, & Stairs.
- Parallax Mapping for RPG Maker 2003.
- How to make stairs your protagonist can go up diagonally.
- Show off your game with GIFcam!
- How to Make a Madotsuki Recolor - a super in-depth tutorial.
- How to use character templates in RPG Maker 2003.
- VX Ace templates, & a guide to VX Ace tilesets.
- Animating various objets using charasets.
- A masterpost of free graphics for all versions of RPG Maker.
- RPG Maker MV tileset templates.
- A nice tutorial on pixel art for everyone who’s new to it.
- How to get a Non-Blurry Full Screen for RPG Maker MV.
- A font to make it easier for players with dyslexia.
- Yume Nikki Sprites on the Spriter’s Resource.
- A font to make it easier for players with dyslexia.
Music & Sound
See Full List On Yumenikki.fandom.com
- Free to use music editors for those who want to make their own music
Opinions and Such
Hell | Yume Nikki Wiki | Fandom
- Three different people’s suggestions on how to keep a consistent mood in your game. One, two, three.
- What makes a good Yume Nikki Fangame?
- What are you tired of seeing in fangames? The post isn’t to discourage you, of course.
- The encouragement tag.
- A Program to make your computer’s brightness easier on your eyes.
One of the best ways of learning how to make a fangame is by opening up Yume Nikki and it’s fangames in RPG Maker.
Block World Yume Nikki Map
Yume Nikki Minecraft Map
If you’re the nervous type who doesn’t like looking at people’s code without permission, @bleetdev & @ayosu-itsuki have said that they’re cool if you look into their fangames in the editor.
Need more resources? Check out @yumeresource, @misc-rpg, & @pinkuboa (that’s me!) for more post. Rpgmaker.net and the official site have tons of tutorials and other RPG Maker nerds who will help you with any problems you might encounter.